The sentiment resonating throughout every audience Kristina speaks to:

-“I really needed to hear that.”

Kristina has captivated crowds around the world with her authenticity, vulnerability and wit.
She addresses topics on mental health, parenting, building an authentic brand, marriage, divorce and more.

Hope & Humor

  • She has a unique perspective, having experienced everything from immigrating from a war-torn country to being a single mom living on food stamps to trying to support her child through severe depression to building a successful brand from nothing. 
  • Customizes her message to align with your event’s specific goals 
  • Has a natural ability to make each attendee, regardless of the size of the audience, feel like she’s speaking personally to them 
  • Leaves her audience with moments of insight and valuable takeaways
  • Her story-driven presentations evoke profound emotion one moment and bursts of laughter the next

Why Kristina?

“What is that thing? That’s so charming and charismatic and connected to the audience that makes you feel like, ‘I know her, I want to be her, I’m like her’… Kristina has all of that. She is an ‘IT PLUS’ girl… I wanna watch her!” 

- Oprah Winfrey

the Oprah Show

It Won’t Go as Planned

How to Support Your Child Through Mental Health Struggles

You’re Right, They Don’t Like You

The Secret to Growing Your Brand: Authenticity

I Can Fix This! (And Other Lies I’ve Told Myself)

Kids First, Ego Last

Getting Married Doesn’t Mean the Search for Love is Over

The G Spot: Guilt, Grades and Grace

Are Your Flaws Actually Your Greatest Strengths?

Balance is a Dirty, Dirty Word

Presentation Titles

more >>

There’s a name for when things don’t work out the way you thought they would. It’s called “life.”

- Kristina Kuzmic


J. Andy Murphy, Founder/President WriteStuff Creative Alliances

"Kristina is one of those rare people who speaks from real-life experiences with her heart and soul. I witnessed this first hand when I sat in the audience and listened to her talk openly about her life. The raw honesty touched everyone gathered. She combines the struggles of life with the healing power of laughter, a rare combination that is so needed in today’s hectic world.”

Kelsey Sorenson, founder of Educate & Rejuvenate

“Kristina was an exceptional speaker at our event for teachers and homeschool parents. Her presentation, "Don't Let What's Out of Your Control Control You Completely" resonated deeply with our audience. We invited her back for a Q&A session with our VIP attendees, and everyone eagerly asked if she would return the following year!” 

Dr. Shefali Tsabary, international speaker and best-selling author

“Everyone was in awe of our guest speaker Kristina Kuzmic who shared her powerful journey both in parenting and life. You will be blown away by her work!”

Sherry Dial, Speaker Manager, I Am Mom Summit

“Kristina's session truly left our entire team in awe. Her speech was certainly one of the best in the history of our Summits. She blew us away when she effortlessly incorporated humor, her personal experiences and empowerment."

Dunja Ballon, Director of HURA and the DK Festival

“Kristina is captivating. An inspiration that you won’t forget anytime soon.
A headliner like no other."

What they are saying...